Thursday, March 4, 2010

40 days fast from boys

My weak heart floats
pushing against the taut cartilage
I swore I'd pray-
dreaming, not life-
I'm free. I'm chained.
That imagined pulse haunts me
as the thought of God, the image of empty
painted onto eyelids. I blink
my mind-a thought gets him in.
I say "Get out"-It's stuck-
the soapy, helium-filled bubbles-
stuck, filling up my trachea-
so, dislodging my heart.

Not sure how many people I've told about this, but basically I've been fasting from romance for Lent. I am one of those unfortunates who is so caught up in the idea of romance and love, that I dedicate way too much time thinking about it. So, I thought that for Lent I would give all of that up-thinking about romance, about falling in love, about some random guy. It's been difficult as anything, but worth it. It's caused me to think of God a lot in every day moments. (which was the plan-replace every romantic thought with thoughts of the Greatest Romance)

So, yeah. This just captures the struggle. It was a poetry assignment for 101-Modeled after "Facing It," by Yusef Komunyakaa. It was an extremely difficult thing to do... I literally had to place my words into the original.

So, that is all.
Peace up, out, within,


  1. I enjoyed witnessing the creation of this. Bless you on your fast. May you find contentment and fullness of life in Christ alone, and all these things be added unto you.

  2. Amanda, you are truly a gifted writer. Really imaginative poem. You are also a muse for many - including me. I love you, my friend.
