Monday, April 27, 2009

When your skin matches your hair and....

you're a redhead-you have a problem. My problem, currently. My back is a wee bit red. I'm not lovin' it. *cue mcdonalds themesong*

So. Thus begins the Ten Days of Blogging. Yes, for the next ten days I am going to be blogging to my parents who have deserted me and Cincinnati for Italy. Can you blame them though? I mean.. Italy.
So, here goes. Starting with the ride to church from the airport: I sped home as best I could but traffic did not allow sometimes. So we got there about 20 minutes late. But it was a good talk (you guys should check it out. Then we went by Krogers to pick up some sandwich meat and cheese. We thought about taking our picnic to Kheener park but... it's one of the first nice Sundays of the year. The loudness and packedness of Kheener helped us settle on the backyard. We made three sandwiches and cut them into triangles :) Ron was gardening so that was fun to watch.
After we ate and just kinda sat there for a while I asked Dan, "So, do you want to read LOTR, go play tennis, or wade in the creek?" And he said tennis. So I actually attempted to play tennis. And it was very hot. And I wasn't HORRIBLE, but hey. It was fun. After that I found out that Dan had never waded before (What kind of childhood is that?). He was scared at first and complained a LOT...haha. But I forced him into it and made him pick up some squishy seaweed things which he found digusting but fun. Then we squelched our feet in the mud (is there a lovelier nastier feeling?). Again he was a baby about it at first..but then loved it. We rinsed our feet off and were walking out when to my horror I saw a LEECH. on my foot. in between my toes. Normally I would have thought it was some kind of tiny black worm. Unfortunately though, I learned in biology last week that leeches can be as tiny as a couple centimeters. This one was about 2 millimeters thick and 2 centimeters long. CREEEPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. You know me. I was disturbed. But it rinsed off (thank you Jesus). Thus ended the creek adventure.

We went back upstairs and it was getting late (He had to be home by 9:30), so Dan ran off to get garlic bread and ice cream. I cleaned up because...yeah I was a hot mess. Now it was kinda freaky because I was starting to realize what it meant that you guys were both gone for 10 days. And for whatever reason that put me in a cleaning frenzy. I had Dan take out the trash. I was organizing. It was strange. I may go to the ER later to make sure I'm okay... But anyway lol. When he got back, we made a playlist together of some romantic songs (Okay mostly I made it but hey he did help with his knowledge of hardcore music...??? okay maybe not but he did have a couple good inputs :)). I got the water boiling and preheated the oven while we were playlisting. Then we cooked! He stirred the noodles (which he apparently does not know how to do?? lol) and put the bread in the oven (his forte). Oh and he was my garlic crusher. Wow, that sounds strange... but okay. I think I put too much seasoning in the sauce, but it was still good, so thanks mom :)
I laid my comforter out on the side of the roof facing Ron and put our playlist on. I put some candles out too but they wouldn't light because of the they just sat there until it calmed down an hour later. We ate spaghetti out of the green mixing bowl (haha, well I couldn't risk the glass Italian chef bowl on a roof) and stuffed ourselves. We watched night fall as we played the question game. Then we prayed and cleaned it all up.

He had seven more minutes so I sat on his lap in that reddish armchair and buried my face in his neck, and oh geez. He asked me what I was thinking about and I said "honestly? I miss my parents." and started crying. There it is okay? Confession of the week lol.

So that was yesterday the big anniversary :)

But anyway, today's post will probably be boring (I mean the one on today that I post later tonight), because all I'll be doing is examing and biologying. woohoo.

Miss you guys already
Have superfun and stick your hand into the Mouth of Truth for me!!!
(then quote Audrey and Peck)
I love you!


  1. Hi Panda Bear! Great post and thanks for the update. Sounds like you guys had a nice anniversary. Sorry about the sunburn :(

    Look forward to reading more! Mom is doing an update on her blog. Love you and miss you.

  2. Baby girl, thank you SO MUCH for posting. It helps with my Amanda withdrawal a wee bit. What an Amanda day you had! A lovely whirlwind, just like you. We lol'd about the leech. Only you is all I can say. I am sorry we did not get to connect today by phone or IM. We are trying to figure out the snags on this end. It is so weird being so out of touch. Just imagine no cell phone. No phone, period, yet. Email me what times you will be home tomorrow so we can try to hear your redheaded voice. Miss and love you so much. your mai mai.
