Sunday, December 20, 2009


Watched you pace the empty floor;
Watched you pass through a mural of windows.
But then you stopped, settled down;
Were you typing, or playing the piano?

When will my eyes settle down?
When will my mind seem to finally slow down

What's on your mind, love
Whatchya thinkin' of
Why do you pace
Why's your heart racin'
What's on your mind, love
and what's your name
Why do you pace
And why's my heart racin'

I saw your light, but you were gone
Saw the faucet and a glass of water
You stepped out into the rain
Were you going for work or for pleasure?

When will my eyes settle down?
When will my mind seem to finally slow down

What's on your mind, love
Whatchya thinkin' of
Why do you pace
Why's your heart racin'
What's on your mind love
and what's your name
Why do you pace
And why's my heart racin'

Stranger, across the street
Wonder if we could ever meet
Stranger, there is peace
As our thoughts flow face to face

I was productive, maybe still am.
But I got into an argument.
It's sad.
And frustrating.
I don't wanna be the bigger person. kay?



  1. Hi Pandita,
    This is a test to see if all my little passwords with google and blog pass the test. Do I need a password for facebook too?
    I call the writing you did on December 2nd "stream of consiousness" writing. Do you call it that? Sometimes I feel like I need to be a cowboy on a horse with a lasso and round up all those random thoughts of yours before they end up all over the prairie like tumbleweeds! Your brain must be like a pastiche of mental pictures, thoughts, memories and ideas all tied up with the ever-so-strong feelings of the teenage years.
    Just learned that word 'pastiche' today and had to use it. It is defined as a hodge podge of literary, musical, or artistic patches on a busy quilt. (my definition is a little looser than Websters)
    Hope your brain gets a nice rest in Florida!:)

  2. PS
    Forgot to say:
    Please stay away from strangers!
    (I am exercising my rights as a paternal grandparent to worry about my Pandita.
    Just watched the movie "Taken" last night and it left me feeling very unsettled. Stealing girls to put into prostitution. How I long for the Lord Jesus Christ to return and put an end to the sins of us all!)
